As Steve Miller said it many years ago “time keeps on slipping into the future”. Oh yes it does. The past few days I have heard the jingle to promote the CNE and as a child, my family and I were lucky enough to spend our summers at the cottage. We would move on the day school finished and move back home on Labour Day. The news that the Ex was starting was end of our summer holidays. The dread of heading back to school was wearing.
I still have a bit of anxiousness when I hear the song “Let’s go to the Ex” on the radio. I have not been in school for half a century but it still rings true. On the positive side of the end of summer was getting a new pair of shoes, pants and a new shirt.
Going back to school nowadays is much different! You need the right tablet, lap top, smart phone, backpack, etc. One thing that is essential in my mind is making sure that your children have their spines checked for the upcoming year and of course making sure you choose a backpack that your child is properly fitted for that will not cause any harm.
A child should never carry more than about 10% of their body weight. So a 50 lbs child should not carry more than 5 lbs on their spine.
Never let them carry the backpack on one shoulder as this can increase stress on the spine. Use both straps and if they have a waist strap to increase stability…use it.

What is it exactly that we screen for in the back to school chiropractic evaluation at the Oakville Chiropractic Centre you may ask? Depending upon the age of your child we look to identify if your child has any type of spinal imbalance. We could identify anything from a subluxation to the beginnings of scoliosis to uneven shoe wearing which may call for orthotics.
Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine that often begins around age 12 and tends to be more prominent in girls. This can be identified by shoulder balance along with evaluating scapulas and hips.
I would urge you all to get your children checked for their back to school check up and grab a good start upon the coming year.
Call the Oakville Chiropractic Centre to schedule a back to school exam for your child at 905-845-2291 or email us at and make an appointment for evaluation.
“As the twig is bent so grows the tree”
Dr Brian Huggins
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