Just a quick hit here guys….

What a busy week, I have barely had a second to catch my breath and talk to you my blogging friends! What’s new in the world? While at Alliance we are moving full steam into the fall season as the leaves hit the ground.

They do fall quickly; it seems everybody is running out to the yard trying to get a handle on them before it’s too late. Remember though, always be safe when doing your yard work as you should never over exert yourself as we the dwellers of the North still have a long winter of snow shoveling ahead.

In fact I often see many injuries related to yard work and have decided to do a quick DocTalk segment on the topic. I will explain the proper way in which to rake the leaves and get the yard cleaned up without taxing your body.

In DocTalk related news we have now linked the show directly from our website so you should be able to access it right from our homepage.

In other news Alliance is excited about the upcoming Holistic Women’s fair in early November were we will be well represented by Paul Ginsberg, Angela Borgeest and myself. The event is coming up soon so be sure to talk to Angela about all the details.

Also we are looking to host an open house within the next few months with no date set as of yet. Keep your eyes out for it as it surely will be both fun, super informative and educational.

Blog ya later….


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